
Android’s Last Words | Detroit: Become Human

This riff on a classic Detroit-borne cocktail is an homage to Quantic Dream’s Detroit: Become Human, keeping to its roots with spice, cherry and citrus, but adding a bright, blue, modern hue to build something new from the bones of the old. … Continue readingAndroid’s Last Words | Detroit: Become Human

Luminous Adra Potion | Pillars of Eternity 2

Perfect for a hot summer’s day or to recover after a long adventure in the wilds, the Luminous Adra Potion from Pillars of Eternity 2 is a cool, refreshing way to enjoy one of the most expensive materials on Eora. And yes, it glows in real life too! … Continue readingLuminous Adra Potion | Pillars of Eternity 2