Frog Boot | RUST [VIDEO]


Saturate yourself with the salty tears of noobs with this RUST-inspired cocktail that features tequila, lime, Midori and apple juice.

You’ll need

  • 1.5 oz (45ml) tequila
  • .75 oz (20ml) Midori
  • .50 oz (15ml) lime juice
  • .50 oz (15ml) apple juice

Add all of your ingredients to a shaker filled with ice. Shake vigorously to chill. Strain into a margarita glass rimmed with salt. Serve!

“Helk pls.”

– Everyone

What is it with online communities and frogs? It’s endemic. There’s the It Is Wednesday My Dudes guy, there’s Pepe (RIP) and, of course, the subject of this cocktail: The Frog Boot from RUST.

It’s an interesting item with an interesting history: it was originally removed from the game a few years back, despite being something of an iconic item. It was originally part of a four-piece hazmat suit set, but this set was removed and replaced with a one-piece—a one-piece that didn’t include the Frog Boot at all.

At the time, it didn’t seem to be that big of a change. What the devs didn’t expect was the backlash that there would be from the community after the removal. For years, Bring Back Frog Boot became a rallying cry for early access backers of RUST, begging Helk (the dev) to put it back in the game. Eventually, he relented—but with a catch.

Looking for more tequila cocktails? Look no further.

Helk returned the Frog Boot to its rightful place, but only after the game hit version 1.0, and even then only made it craftable by early access backers. If you’re new to the game, you’ve missed out, and as such the wearing of a Frog Boot has become the badge of a RUST veteran.

So, in celebration of the Frog Boot’s glorious return, I created this drink.

The Frog Boot cocktail is based around a margarita, though the addition of Midori rather than triple sec and a splash of apple juice helps to differentiate it from its cousins—it’s a little sweeter, a little fruitier, but still has that wonderful combination of agave and lime. This combo of ingredients also gives it that bright, pretty green: an absolute must for any representation of the Frog Boot.

You could serve this “authentically” in a Wellington boot/gum boot/rubber boot if you feel like it, but speaking from personal experience (see the video above), it’s a lot more pleasant in a margarita glass rimmed with salt. It wouldn’t be RUST without a little salt, after all.

Hope you guys enjoy, and please stop killing me while I’m a naked.

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