Nox Gas | Apex Legends


Do you feel most alive when rapidly approaching your death? Then boy do I have the cocktail for you.

You’ll need

  • 1.75 oz (50ml) tequila blanco
  • .25 oz (10ml) sour apple liqueur
  • .25 oz (10ml) amaretto
  • .50 oz (15ml) lime juice

Add all ingredients to a shaker filled with ice. Shake thoroughly until chilled. Strain into your vessel. Drop into Bunker. Serve!

Take a sip. You will find the results… fascinating.

– Caustic

Apex Legends really blew out of nowhere. It felt like it just popped out of a hole in the ground, shoved Fortnite off a cliff and turned to face the camera like nothing happened.

Despite it’s surprising lack of marketing prior to release, Apex Legends has made a big splash—and I’m not talking about that asshole jumpmaster who decided to fly you guys into the ocean. It’s a seriously quality game and everybody is raving about it; the guns are great, the map is great and the legends are damned fun to play.

Caustic is one such legend, with perhaps one of the most troll-y abilities I’ve ever seen in a game. He can dump poison canisters in front of doors and make them impossible to open, then full-on war crime everybody inside with his weaponised farts.

You don’t want to fight a Caustic player in an enclosed space, I’ll tell you that much.

If you like the Nox Gas, then you’ll love the Frog Boot from RUST too!

His Nox poisons, then, have become a bit of an icon for the game, so it was an obvious choice to make into a cocktail. Just like the in-game gases, the Nox Gas cocktail has an interesting blend of different ingredients, including the somewhat eccentric amaretto and apple combo.

Sounds weird, but trust me—it’s actually surprisingly tasty. Combine it with some agave from the tequila and lighten it all up with the soda water, and you’ve got a beverage that even Caustic himself would take a break from the lab to enjoy.

Hope you guys like it, and remember: keep away from Bunker when there’s Caustics about.

If you want to keep seeing video-game-inspired cocktails and get a hold of some exclusive recipes, head on over to Experience Bar’s Patreon page and consider slinging me a credit or two. You help keep this blog going!